cardiac screening singapore

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cardiac screening singapore

Cardiac screening is a vital step for individuals of all ages in Singapore to identify and manage any potential heart health issues. By understanding the different types of cardiac tests available, their importance and frequency as well as where best to receive them, you can ensure your heart stays healthy. 

In this blog post, we will be discussing what exactly cardiac screening is, how often it should be done, where to get one in Singapore, and what to expect during a test. We will also look at debunking some myths surrounding cardiac screenings while comparing prices & insurance options so that you are better informed when making decisions regarding your own personal care. So if you’re looking for more information on cardiac screenings then read on.

What is Cardiac Screening?

Cardiac screening is a process of testing to identify potential heart problems. It involves various tests that can help detect any abnormalities in the structure and functioning of the heart. Cardiac screening is important for those who are at risk of developing cardiovascular diseases, such as older people with existing cardiovascular problems or overweight individuals.

Definition of Cardiac Screening

Cardiac screening is an evaluation procedure used to assess the health and function of the heart by using imaging techniques, laboratory tests, and physical examinations. The goal is to detect any possible signs or symptoms that may indicate an underlying cardiac condition before it becomes serious enough to cause severe damage or death.

Benefits of Cardiac Screening

The main benefit of cardiac screening is early detection which can lead to timely intervention and treatment if necessary. Early diagnosis allows doctors to provide appropriate medical care before complications arise from a pre-existing condition like coronary artery disease (CAD). 

Additionally, it helps reduce risks associated with undiagnosed conditions like stroke or sudden cardiac arrest (SCA). Furthermore, regular screenings also allow physicians to monitor changes in patients’ health over time so they can adjust treatments accordingly if needed.

Cardiac screening is an important tool for detecting and preventing cardiovascular disease. Knowing when to get screened and what tests are available can help you make informed decisions about your heart health, so let’s take a look at how often cardiac screenings should be done.

Key Takeaway: Cardiac screening is a process used to detect potential heart problems early, allowing for timely intervention and treatment. Benefits include early diagnosis, reduced risks associated with undiagnosed conditions, and monitoring of changes in patients’ health over time.

How Often Should I Get a Cardiac Screening?

It helps to detect any potential problems early on, allowing for better prevention and treatment options. Knowing how often you should get a cardiac screening can help ensure that your heart health is in the best shape possible.

Frequency of Cardiac Screening

The frequency at which you should get a cardiac screening depends on your age, risk factors, and overall health status. Generally speaking, adults between the ages of 18-39 should have their hearts checked every 4-5 years; those aged 40-59 should have it done every 3 years; and those over 60 should be screened annually or more frequently if they are at higher risk for cardiovascular disease (CVD).

Early Detection and Prevention

Regular cardiac screenings can help identify any potential issues before they become serious conditions such as CVD or stroke. Early detection allows for prompt intervention which may prevent further damage to the heart muscle or even death from CVD complications.

Therefore, it’s important to stay up to date with your screenings so that any underlying issues can be addressed quickly and effectively before they worsen.

There are many misconceptions surrounding cardiac screenings – some people believe that only older individuals need them while others think that there’s no point in getting one unless you already have symptoms of CVD.

However, this isn’t true – everyone needs regular checkups regardless of age or existing medical conditions as this is key to preventing future problems from developing down the line.

Additionally, even if you don’t show signs of CVD now doesn’t mean you won’t develop them later on due to lifestyle changes such as poor diet or lack of exercise – so make sure to keep up with your screenings.

Getting a cardiac screening can help you detect and prevent any potential heart-related problems. Knowing where to go for your cardiac screening is just as important, so let’s explore the best places for it in Singapore.

Recommended Reading: Understanding ApoB: A Key Player in Cardiovascular Health

Key Takeaway: Regular cardiac screenings are essential for detecting any potential heart problems early on and preventing further damage or death from CVD. It’s important to get a screening every 4-5 years (18-39), 3 years (40-59) or annually (over 60). Everyone needs regular checkups regardless of age, existing medical conditions or current symptoms.

Where Can I Get a Cardiac Screening in Singapore?

When it comes to cardiac screening, Singapore is a great place to get one. There are many heart specialist clinics in the country that offer comprehensive services for people with cardiovascular problems. Here are some of the best places for cardiac screening in Singapore:

1. National Heart Centre (NHC)

The NHC is a leading cardiology clinic located at Outram Road and offers a wide range of diagnostic tests and treatments for all types of heart conditions. They also provide preventive screenings such as echocardiograms, stress tests, ECGs, and more.

2. Mount Elizabeth Hospital

This hospital has an experienced team of cardiologists who specialize in diagnosing and treating various heart diseases including coronary artery disease, arrhythmias, congestive heart failure, and more. They offer advanced cardiac imaging techniques such as CT scans, MRI scans, and angiography to detect any underlying issues or abnormalities in your cardiovascular system.

3. Gleneagles Hospital

Located at Napier Road, this hospital provides comprehensive care for patients with various types of heart conditions including hypertension, atherosclerosis, and other forms of cardiovascular disease. Their team includes experienced cardiologists who can perform diagnostic tests like echocardiograms or stress tests if needed during your visit there.

In addition to these hospitals offering excellent medical care when it comes to cardiac screening services, they also have different prices depending on the type of test you need to be done, so be sure to compare them before making your decision about where you want to go for your appointment. 

Additionally, each hospital may accept different insurance coverage plans, so make sure you check that out too before booking an appointment. Lastly, when choosing which clinic is right for you consider their reputation among other patients by reading online reviews from previous customers or asking around friends or family members who have had experience with certain clinics before making up your mind.

A cardiac screening can provide vital information about your heart health and help you make informed decisions for the future. By researching the best places for cardiac screening in Singapore, as well as understanding what to expect during the procedure, you can ensure that you receive quality care from an experienced specialist.

Key Takeaway: When considering cardiac screening in Singapore, be sure to compare prices and insurance coverage between the best heart specialist clinics: National Heart Centre (NHC), Mount Elizabeth Hospital, and Gleneagles Hospital. Additionally, read online reviews or ask around for recommendations before making your decision.

What to Expect During a Cardiac Screening?

Preparing for Your Appointment

Before your appointment, it is important to gather all relevant medical information and bring it with you. This includes any recent test results, a list of current medications and supplements, as well as a detailed description of any symptoms or concerns that you may have. It is also helpful to make sure that you are wearing comfortable clothing and shoes on the day of your appointment.

What Happens During the Procedure?

During the procedure, a technician will attach several electrodes to your chest in order to measure electrical activity in your heart. You may be asked to lie down during this process or sit up depending on what type of cardiac screening you are having done. The technician will then take readings from these electrodes which can help detect irregularities in heart rhythm or other issues such as blockages in blood vessels. Depending on the type of screening being performed, additional tests such as an echocardiogram (ultrasound) may also be conducted at this time.

After the procedure has been completed, it is important to follow any aftercare instructions given by your doctor or technician regarding diet and lifestyle changes if necessary. In some cases, further testing may be required based on initial findings, so it is important to keep track of any follow-up appointments scheduled with specialists for further evaluation if needed.

A cardiac screening can help identify potential risks and provide valuable insight into your heart health. By understanding what to expect during the procedure, you can be better prepared for the appointment and receive the best care possible. Now let’s take a look at some key takeaways from this article as well as resources for further information.

Conclusion & Summary

It helps detect any potential issues early on and can help prevent serious health problems down the line. Regular screenings are recommended for those with risk factors such as age, family history, or obesity. Knowing what to expect during a cardiac screening can make it easier to prepare for your appointment and understand the results.

Key Takeaways from this Article

Cardiac screening is an important step in keeping your heart healthy and should be done regularly if you have risk factors such as age, family history, or obesity. Make sure to ask questions about the procedure beforehand so that you know what to expect when you go in for your appointment. Aftercare instructions should also be followed closely after the procedure is complete in order to ensure optimal results from the screening process.

If you would like more information about cardiac screenings or other related topics, there are many resources available online including websites run by cardiologists and healthcare organizations dedicated to providing reliable information on cardiovascular health topics. Additionally, speaking with your doctor before undergoing any type of medical procedure can help provide additional insight into what may be best suited for your individual needs and circumstances.

FAQs in Relation to Cardiac Screening Singapore

What is included in a cardiovascular screening?

Cardiovascular screening is a comprehensive assessment of the heart and blood vessels. It typically includes an evaluation of risk factors such as family history, lifestyle habits, cholesterol levels, blood pressure readings, and body mass index (BMI).

Depending on individual needs or risk factors, additional tests may be recommended such as an electrocardiogram (ECG), echocardiogram (ECHO), stress test, or cardiac CT scan. These screenings are important to detect early signs of disease and allow for timely interventions that can reduce the risk of complications in the future.

How do you check for heart blockage in Singapore?

In Singapore, there are several tests that can be used to check for heart blockage. The most common is an angiogram, which uses X-rays and a special dye to create images of the arteries in your heart. Other tests such as echocardiograms, stress tests, and cardiac CT scans may also be used depending on the individual’s condition. Your doctor will recommend the best test for you based on your medical history and symptoms. All these procedures are available at specialist clinics or hospitals in Singapore.

How much does echocardiography cost in Singapore?

The cost of echocardiography in Singapore depends on the type of procedure and the clinic. Generally, it can range from $150 to $600 for a single session. The exact amount will depend on factors such as complexity, equipment used, and whether any additional tests are required. It is best to consult with your doctor or cardiologist for an accurate estimate of the costs involved.

What is the best test to check for heart problems?

The best test to check for heart problems is an electrocardiogram (ECG). An ECG measures the electrical activity of your heart and can detect any abnormalities. It is a simple, non-invasive procedure that takes only a few minutes. Your doctor may also order other tests such as echocardiograms or stress tests if they suspect more serious issues. All these tests are important in diagnosing and monitoring heart health so it’s important to follow your doctor’s instructions carefully.


In conclusion, cardiac screening is an important part of maintaining heart health and should be done regularly. It is recommended to get a cardiac screening at least once every year in Singapore. There are many places that offer this service with different prices and insurance coverage options. During the process, you can expect to have your blood pressure checked, as well as other tests such as ECG or echocardiogram depending on your age and risk factors. With early detection through regular cardiac screenings in Singapore, we can better manage our heart health for years to come.

If you are looking for the best solutions to improve your heart health, cardiac screening, and obesity-related issues in Singapore then look no further than the Harley Street Heart and Vascular Centre. Our team of experienced cardiologists and specialists provides comprehensive services such as screenings, treatments, consultations, and follow-ups that will help keep your heart healthy. With our cutting-edge technology combined with dedicated care, we guarantee a positive outcome for all our patients! Send us an email or give us a call at +65 6235 5300 today to learn more about how we can help you maintain a healthy heart!


Written by: Dr Michael MacDonald MB ChB, BSc (Hons), MRCP (UK), MD (Research), FESC (Europe).  Dr MacDonald was trained in the UK and is a senior Consultant Cardiologist.

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