weight loss in singapore

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weight loss in singapore

Being overweight increases your risk of developing heart disease, diabetes, and cancer and of course plays havoc with your joints. However, losing weight is often incredibly challenging and overwhelming. Don’t lose hope! With the right mindset along with guidance from recommended healthcare professionals, weight loss in Singapore is possible!  In this article, I will share 8 helpful tips on losing weight safely whilst developing healthy habits that can provide long-term support to your heart, mind, and overall well-being. 

1. Set realistic and achievable weight loss goals

One of the most important steps in your journey toward weight loss in Singapore is setting realistic goals. If you aim for 30 kg weight loss in 2 months you are setting yourself up for failure! Start small; we know that just 5% weight loss starts to make big changes in your risk of disease.

Quick Tips:

  • Start Small – Get started with smaller goals that can be quickly achieved
  • Focus on Behaviors, not outcomes – Target behaviors and habits that can be changed to achieve weight loss
  • Make Specific Goals – Instead of writing down “eat healthier”, say “eat at least 5 servings of fruits and leafy vegetables every day”
  • Set a Time Frame – Set a time frame that’s realistic and achievable to avoid discouragement and maintain momentum.

Weight loss is a journey and oftentimes, it’s a long one. It’s important to stay patient and consistent along with a positive mindset especially when you don’t see many immediate results.

2. You don’t need to hit the gym!

80% of weight loss is what you eat! 1 donut is 400 calories, and this is the equivalent of 1-hour walking. Therefore, the quickest way to lose 400 calories is not to eat the donut!  Daily walking is fine. Just make it a habit. Aim for something easily achievable. This may just be 10 minutes a day, then build it up gradually. 

Hitting the gym too hard too early often leads to injury, then your weight can take a big hit which can have a significant effect on your journey to weight loss in Singapore.

Just be sure to consult with your heart doctor or any other healthcare professional before engaging in any exercise program especially if you have an underlying health condition. This will ensure that your workout plan is going to be effective and safe.

3. Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water

It is important to stay hydrated as you strive to achieve your weight loss goals. Water can help fill you up so that you will be less likely to eat. 

Quick Tips:

  • Aim to drink at least 6 8-ounce glasses of water per day
  • Drink throughout the day rather than drinking in one setting
  • Carry a water bottle so you can be reminded to drink water every time

Drink when you’re thirsty and listen to your body all the time. Consult with your heart doctor or any other healthcare professional specializing in weight loss in Singapore if you have any concerns about the status of your hydration.

4. Avoid crash diets and other extreme weight loss methods

Be wary of any “too good to be true” claims. The weight loss and dieting industry are designed to take your money, and they rely on you failing so you keep coming back. The key to weight loss is finding a plan that fits in with your likes, dislikes, and lifestyle, and seeking advice from a healthcare professional who specializes in weight loss in Singapore is the best thing to do.

There are methods that are clinically proven to be effective – very low-calorie diets, medications, and bariatric surgery. Discuss these with your doctor. 

5. Monitor your weight and progress regularly, but avoid obsessing over the numbers

It is important to monitor your weight and overall progress so you can identify any areas where adjustments to your diet or exercise routine are needed. But be sure that you’re not obsessed over the numbers.

You can do this by measuring your weight at the same time each day. Certain factors like hydration levels of hormonal changes can cause fluctuations in your weight so don’t feel stressed when the weighing scale shows a higher reading.  Utilize an app that provides a 7-day moving average, that way it irons out the day-to-day fluctuations. 

Expect plateaus in weight loss. This is normal. 

Other indicators of your progress will also include your waist circumference, your clothes (whether they fit tightly or not), and your overall feelings and other improvements in your health and well-being. Do your best to ignore any setbacks as it’s normal to experience ups and downs during the entire weight loss journey. 

Ultimately, you can also seek support from your personal doctor or any other healthcare professional who specialize in weight loss in Singapore on aspects like a heart condition or even mental health. They’ll be able to help you develop a good coping strategy to assist you in achieving a positive mindset.

6. Don’t be afraid to ask for help or support from friends and family

Losing weight and implementing certain lifestyle changes can be challenging. That is why it’s important that you seek help or support from friends or family when you feel you need it. It is normal to feel unsure or overwhelmed at times and having a support network can give you the needed push. Finding a source of motivation, encouragement, and accountability can be helpful as you do your best to reach your goals.

7. Be patient and consistent, losing weight takes time and effort

Patience and consistency are two very important ingredients of an effective weight loss program. Weight loss in Singapore can be very challenging especially if you are someone who has a very busy day with long working hours. The process of losing weight doesn’t happen instantly. It is a gradual process that works best when you are patient even with the tiniest progress that you make.

Small things add up to a big collection of achievements so add consistency to every effort to produce measurable results. Don’t hesitate to seek help if you feel like you need it. Advice from a healthcare professional is worth more than unguided efforts combined. A weight loss doctor can ultimately help you if you have underlying health issues and finding one with expertise in heart health is a big plus.

8. Seek support and guidance from a healthcare provider or weight loss professional

Seeking advice, support, and guidance from a weight loss professional or a healthcare professional like a weight loss doctor is important for several reasons.

At The Harley Street Heart and Vascular Center, Dr MacDonald is a specialist in obesity. An experienced weight loss doctor can provide support in the process of monitoring your progress and identifying any potential health concerns related to your heart health, mental condition, or any underlying health concerns which can occur as a result of the weight loss journey. They can provide ongoing guidance and support as you achieve your weight loss goals and help ensure that you’re achieving results in the healthiest and most sustainable way.

Written by: Dr Michael MacDonald MB ChB, BSc (Hons), MRCP (UK), MD (Research), FESC (Europe).  Dr MacDonald was trained in the UK and is a senior Consultant Cardiologist. 

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